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The image shows a group of children and adults gathered around a lifelike dinosaur model, likely a T-rex, at an outdoor event. One child in a red coat is reaching out to touch the dinosaur's nose, while others smile and react with excitement. The crowd appears to be engaged and entertained, with many children in strollers or standing close to the fence that separates them from the dinosaur. The event seems to be taking place near a building with a sign that reads "The Bushel." The atmosphere is lively and family-friendly, suggesting an interactive dinosaur experience or show.


Rex was very professional! He left parents amazed and kids running away and towards him with excited screams! He really gave our event a new dimension and was well worth having at Kidfest this year. Big Foot events were flexible and easy to work with to tailor Rex's performance to Kidfest. We loved having him, and even the staff left their posts to sneak a peak at Rex!

Lisa Pearce, KIDFEST UK, Cumbria

We had a wonderful time on Saturday, the T-Rex went down a storm – everyone absolutely loved it and he was a huge hit. We lost count of the number of visitors but we estimated we had between 1500 and 2000 throughout the event – which is absolutely amazing for us, family fun days usually attract 1000 and traditionally museum at night events no more than 250. We could not have asked for a better night. Shop sales went through the roof, our café did well – feedback from visitors was positive – it has done wonders for our museum. The two guys were great as well, everything just went to plan, it was perfect. I will certainly be recommending you and I’m sure we will be asking for you again at future events. Thanks again and please thank the guys too.

The Collection, Lincolnshire

The T.Rex provided by Big Foot Events was one of the highlights of Maker Faire UK, he attracted excited crowds every time he came out, he’s incredibly realistic. Big Foot Events were extremely professional throughout and a pleasure to work with.

Maker Faire, Newcastle

“And both children and parents got hands-on with exhibits, experiments and games while outdoors a giant walking spider and a life-size baby T-Rex drew crowds in Times Square.”
“Another hit with visitors was the moving T-Rex, created by Big Foot Events, which was realistic enough to make some children very nervous while others snapped up the chance to pose with it for a photograph.
Michael Lawlor, an IT worker from Neville’s Cross in Durham, who brought along five-year-old son Aidan said: “It’s fantastic. “We weren’t expecting to see a dinosaur; I was more expecting to see technical stuff.””
“Last year, about 10,000 people visited the Maker Faire, and the Life’s director for science communication, Ian Simmons, hopes this year’s event has been even more popular.
He said: “We’ve had more makers than ever and it’s great to see EepyBird as headliners, as well as other nice things like the Mantis hexapod robot and the T.Rex suit.”

Newspaper Clippings from Chronicle Live, Newcastle

Well what can I say, Rex was amazing, the guests were astounded by how good he was, we have many an amazing photo, thank you to Kevin for entertaining the masses (and scaring the wits out of some!). We loved it! Thank you so much.

Steve Mason, Welcome Trust, Natural History Museum, London

An excellent company, I had Rex booked for 2 years as a surprise for my Husband to be and our guests. He was a huge hit and worth every single penny. Rawwwsome!! If anyone is in doubt, just book him, he's worth it.

Kelly, Bride, Etihad Stadium, Manchester

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