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The image shows a group of children and adults gathered around a lifelike dinosaur model, likely a T-rex, at an outdoor event. One child in a red coat is reaching out to touch the dinosaur's nose, while others smile and react with excitement. The crowd appears to be engaged and entertained, with many children in strollers or standing close to the fence that separates them from the dinosaur. The event seems to be taking place near a building with a sign that reads "The Bushel." The atmosphere is lively and family-friendly, suggesting an interactive dinosaur experience or show.


IT WAS BL***Y AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will definitely be having Rex back!!! A huge thanks from all the Leadership team, staff and children of St Luke's!
Rex even had a selfie taken with our local councillor!
It really has made my birthday! I'm not ashamed to say I squealed with excitement when I saw the van - never mind Rex!!!

Jamie Dickerson , St Luke's Primary School, Bury

Thank you for an amazing experience! I wrote the press release below to capture the effect the dinosaur had on inspiring our pupils today; St Margaret's had a strange visitor on the 14th October. Not everyone can say that they have had a visit from a baby T-Rex. As part of the school's approach to a wonderful and creative curriculum, 'Rex' the dinosaur was invited into school. Pupils and teachers all had the chance to walk, race, feed and stroke Rex. This led to a wonderful amount of writing, artwork and computing work all inspired by the magnificent beast. The whole day was an absolute 'roaring' success, however Mr Harthill and Mrs Mcshane aren't too sure about inviting Rex back if he is going to get any bigger.

Simon Harthill head of Year 3, St Margaret's Primary School, Heywood, Lancashire

Thank you to all at Dial-A-Dinosaur and Big Foot Events. The children of Kincraig Primary School and Children's Centre had an amazing time when Rex came to visit. It's not every day you can say a dinosaur came to school! The children were so excited by the dinosaur and it certainly assisted with our curriculum! In fact the children are still talking about it today! A huge success, thank you!

Lucy Cross, Deputy Headteacher, Kincraig Primary School & Children's Centre, Lancashire

Rex was a great surprise for Jimmy’s birthday party here at the farm. The guests loved him and he’s quite a good dancer!

Jimmy’s Farm, Ipswich

WOW they were incredible, the Rangers were amazing and everyone was blown away!! Arthur hasn’t stopped talking about them!!
I honestly cannot thank the guys enough, they were amazing, they made all the children feel special, we had no tears and all the children (and adults) loved them!! I myself was stroking the Dinosaur babies as if they were real!!
Not sure how we are going to top this party next year!!
Thanks for all your help, everyone has been so helpful and you made my son and his friends’ year!”

Holly, Arthur’s 3rd Birthday - Leicestershire

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to the whole team for making my little boy's birthday so special. You were fantastic, I really can't believe how brilliant you were. It exceeded all our expectations. The kids had a ball and the parents too, thank you so much.

Claire, Blake's 5th Birthday Party, Piglets Adventure Park, York

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